Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fat Loss Project Day 16

Comments: As I said in my earlier blog, did Day 15 workout at 5 a.m. Cardio was fine, but took quite a bit to get through the circuits. Curious to see how things compare when I do today's workout when I get home later this evening. Day 16 workout at 6 p.m. was totally opposite -- the cardio was hard, but the circuit exercises were easier (at least easier than at 5:30 a.m.!) Don't think my body likes these two-a-days, so hopefully will be able to do the workouts when I get home from class on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Day 15 Workout -- at 5:00 a.m.:
Cardio: Warmup (2 minutes fast walking; 3 minutes slow jogging); 2 minutes fast jogging, 2 minutes fast walking -- 4 sets
Strength Training Circuit:
Get-Ups (w/5 lb. wt): 3 sets of 15 reps
Pushups (full): 3 sets of 10 reps
Burpees (w/8 lb wts) With Jump: 3 sets of 10 reps
Walking Lunges (w/8 lb wts): 3 sets of 12 reps
Standing Band Rotations: 3 sets of 10 reps in each direction
Band Pull-Downs: 3 sets of 10 reps

Woke up at 4:45, workout at 5:00
Breakfast at 6:15: Coach's smoothie
Snack at 9:45: Coach's smoothie
Lunch at 1:00: Tuna salad recipe with 1 pear
Snack at 3:30: 2 slices deli turkey low-fat lunch meat
Dinner at 7:30: talapia, green salad with tomatoes and onions
Liquids: 3-1 pt. 7.7 fl. oz bottles of water; 3 servings of green tea

Day 16 Workout -- at 6:00 a.m.:
Cardio: Warmup (1-1/2 minutes fast walking; 3 minutes slow jogging); 2 minutes fast jogging, 2 minutes fast walking -- 4 sets
Strength Training Circuit:
Get-Ups (w/5 lb. wt): 3 sets of 16 reps
Pushups (full): 3 sets of 11 reps
Burpees (w/8 lb wts) With Jump: 3 sets of 11 reps
Walking Lunges (w/8 lb wts): 3 sets of 14 reps
Standing Band Rotations: 3 sets of 11 reps in each direction
Band Pull-Downs: 3 sets of 11 reps

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